Thursday, June 25, 2009

nah wat the heck im writing here

Yoshh.... it's been a while i didn't write here. Well it's not that I'm busy but it difficult for me to get an internet connection at my room in the hostel. I hope my next semester I'll get a better room from before. Now it's our semester break for 3 week, and i just came back last sunday. It's so sad that i not going back for gawai 1st - 2nd june due to our short holiday and i've decide going back to bintulu and visit my brother. On the 2nd june I follow my bro going back to his wife longhouse at Long Makaba, Ulu Baram, Miri for few day.. hurm, It's my second time going there(2004) during their engagement and that time after long journey using 4x4 we have to using long boat to the longhouse and now there no need using long boat, just using the 4x4 truck. Imagine that you have to seat for 6-7 hour for the journey and that make my ass numb! wtf!! nahh, i guess i don't have things do over there just sit, sleep, eat and bla bla bla... luckly it's just for few days.. hahaha.. then me and my bro going back to bintulu.... * no idea* kekekke